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Caspian Fernwick, The Empire's Sheriff Companions More Companions Animals Guest Book

Friends Continued

Mae Tarkan

"I know nothing about children, and how I became the ... guardian of  this particular child is still a bit of a blur to me. An  arrest in the tea shop. A promise. Mae is ... a child. I never realized how aggravating they could be until she came into my life. How long she'll be a part of my life is unknown. I  suppose whenever her father is released from the cells, and from the way it's looking, that  won't be anytime soon. When she first came to live in the jailhouse, she was a quiet and reserved little girl. She never said much to me. Hardly ate. I had a little help from village women, and a few even offered to take her off of my hands. It was a deal I would have been happy to take if it wasn't for Micah, her father. And thus, Mae is still with me, a less quiet girl than she was  in those early days. She talks too much. She asks too many questions. She's always hungry. And she always wants to be with me."

Lady Sared

"It is ... amazing to realize how slowly feelings can turn. Despite the knowledge that this woman, this .. Lady of Gateway, held no true feelings for me, I still loved her. Idiotically, I still hoped that one day she would look at me in the same fashion that I looked at her, and from afar I silently wished it to be true. Amazing then to know how fully I hate her now. It's a feeling so dark that at a point I believed it would consume me, and for a moment it did. How is it a possible that one person can bring both the best and worst out of another? I've known it, and I harness the rage that she inspires for my own benefit. If she were to die today or tomorrow, dry would be my eyes and hard my heart."

Gavin Fletcher

"Fletcher is my most trusted guard. When I first received the post of sheriff, I hadn't a clue as to what I was getting in to, and a majority of the men saw me only as a child. It wasn't easy to win them over, but Fletcher was the first to treat me like a comrade and not a kid in over his head. In those early days, I looked to him for guidance and, though I'd onyl admit to it now, companionship. I wouldn't say that he was a father figure to me. More like ... an uncle, I suppose, though I don't have any uncles to compare that sort of relationship to. I can only speculate. He's a bear of a man, though I've met no one with more mirth. We've spent many knights playing darts and chess and sharing whiskey or ale. I don't know how long I would have lasted if it wasn't for him. He's one hell of a city guardsman."

Katherine Tailor

"Miss Katherine is a kind soul who does a lot for the nobilty of Gateway. She is the Imperial Seamstress, and that is a job that keeps her busy and happier than most people are with the jobs that they have. She is an exemplary baker, and I'm lucky that she is kind enough to bring her pastries to me and the men every once in a while. Any person in her comapny is made to feel as if they are as important to her as any nobleperson, no matter if that person is rich or poor. She is kind to those who are not to her, but every person has a breaking point and can take only so much unkindess before giving the same in turn. As a whole, she is a very well-liked person with a skill that I feel can only grow with time. She's already impressed most of Gateway, including myself, with her ability to sew, and I can't imagine what she may have in store for them in the future."

Lyolf Godfrey

"A city guardsman to represent them all. Godfrey is the one that I entrust the most responsibility to in my absense or even in my presence. His views differ largely from mine on many aspects, and it is no secret to me of his dislike towards knights. But regardless, he has not proven to me to be untrustworthy and he is a man of the law."